The end.

The points of reflection raised in the past eight weeks have been very interesting and engaging. Each of us has had the possibility to look at different angles of effects and characteristics of media industry.

What mostly fascinated me are the profound consequences of media convergence in everyday life, in the reality we know and experience.

Having it all around, growing up in such a cultural and technological context, evolving and changing together with the environment, we didn’t pay too much attention when the music tapes slowly disappeared, being replaced by CDs at first, Ipods then. We didn’t realize how deeply our perception of the world would change once the internet would regularly be available at our desks.

‘Millennials’, linking to my first post, is the term which refers to those who experienced the ‘before’ and ‘after’ internet. Our generation, been around not too long to be excessively nostalgic but long enough to remember how it used to be. The advent of the new media, the inexorable impact of convergence has shaped our society and affected our mentality; and it is a phenomenon progressively evolving and changing through the years.

For us, aiming to work in an industry that needs to renew and reinvent itself in order to survive, convergence can assume different meanings. And in the same way as it is an exciting new start, it’s an end.



  1. I also spoke about media convergence. I agree with your point about being fascinated with the consequences of media convergence and the power to decide what is seen, read or heard is in the hands of the consumer.


  2. Having grown up with such major technological advancements, sometimes I forget just how revolutionary they are. To older generations, these are new leaps in life, and for me, they’re just normal advancements. I remember using a cassette player and then CD player and then my first iPod, which in itself is such a transformative revolution. I think growing up in the age of the internet has given us a huge advantage within the world of technology and advancements. For us, this language is second nature. We have such an ingrained skill for the internet that will only lead to further media convergence and developments. What an exciting time!


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